Google Releases Flutter 1.20 Stable With Performance Improvements and more!

Flutter Developers

Flutter, Google’s cross-platform user interface toolkit, reached version 1.20 stable. In the previous stable release, Google announced new material widgets, improved support for Metal on iOS, and substantial performance improvements. The stable version of Google flutter 1.20 consists of multiple UI enhancements, Visual Studio Code extension, performance improvement, auto-complete for mobile text fields, and many more.

Flutter 1.20 includes more than 3,000 merged RPs and 5,000+ closed editions from 359 contributors worldwide. The most contributors to any Flutter release to date. Google also boasts that there are now more than 90,000 applications developed with Flutter on Google Play, increasing 50,000 such apps.

What is Google’s Flutter?

As per some dedicated mobile app developers, Flutter is a set of open-source user interface tools. One can use Flutter for mobile, web and desktop devices and is built from a single code base. So, write your code once, and it will run on ios, android and desktop.

What’s Latest in Flutter 1.20 News?

Enhanced & Improved Performance

Here are the following performance improvements made by Google in the new version of Flutter 1.20 stable. Let’s have a look:

1. To improve performance, Google has included a performance fix for icons that move in trees when developers create non-web applications. This feature helps reduce the size of the form by removing the image not as widely used by users. Shaking the font and icon tree is banned for TrueType fonts, but Google assured that this restriction will be removed in the coming days.

2. In Flutter 1.20, Google has improved the decode time and speed of Dart’s UTF-8 decoder. The company has made measurable improvements of approximately 150%+ for English and 350% for another text on low-end ARM devices in UTF-8 decoding benchmarks.

3. If an application has lousy animation, it could seriously affect the form, and a suspicious compilation could occur. But with the heating up of the Skia Shader Language Shader, the shader build would be reduced by up to two times.

4. Google has improved mouse crash test performance 15x on web-based microbenchmarks. As a result, Google has been able to include support for mouse cursors that will soon be released in several upcoming widgets.

Autofill Mobile Fields Text 

Support for text auto-completion in flutter applications is the most demanded or requested feature among developers. Google got this demand from Flutter developers with the release of Flutter 1.20 and added basic functionality. But some platform-specific settings like Password Rules on iOS are not enabled. Google also brings this feature to web applications.

Interactive Viewer Widget

As per Google Flutter news, it has the all-new and interactive widget to help developers with building apps, styling. Also, it uses interactive components in apps like Zoom, Pan, and Drag n Drop. The API documentation for this widget is accessible only for developers to delve into the widget building procedure.

Updated Range Slider, Material Slider, and Time Picker

Along with the new widgets, the Flutter 1.20 version incorporates many updated widgets to satisfy the latest Material instructions. These combine Range Slider and Slider.

Embedded Dart Dev Tools in Visual Studio Code

The Visual Studio code flutter extension received an update in this release. To bring the Dart DevTools immediately to the Visual Studio code workplace. Google has added a new Visual Studio code extension in Flutter 1.20. Now, developers can build this with the dart.previewEmbedded DevTools setting.

Amenable Licensed Page 

Another update to this release is the new Responsive Licensing page availability. The community contributor isn’t just updated to match the material’s guidelines, making it just plain lovely to watch. But it’s easier to navigate and designed to work only as well on tablets and desktops as it does on phones. Since all Flutter apps should show the licenses of the packages they are using, you just improved all Flutter apps!

Enhanced Network Tracking

The latest version of Dart DevTools comes with an updated version of the web page that allows for web socket profiling. The Network page now adds time information to network calls from your application and other information such as status and content type. Additional enhancements have been made to the Details UI to provide an overview of the data in a WebSocket or http request.

Other Enhancements in Google Releases Flutter 1.20 Stable News

There are many other new features and app developers tools in Flutter 1.20. Just to name a few: Updated Slider, Range Slider, and DatePicker widgets. A new responsive licensing page is available on About Dialog. A new pubspec.yaml format requirement for publishing new Flutter plugins. However, an updated web page in Dart DevTools with support for web socket profiling. Support for automatically updating import statements when files are moved in the Visual Studio Code.

Google publishes that Flutter 1.20 is the framework’s most significant release yet, but there is still a lot to come. The company says they are still working to implement strong null security support, new versions of the Ads, Maps and WebView plugins, and more. They are also working to improve web and desktop support.

Concluding Thoughts

Google said that Flutter 1.20 is an enormous release yet, and there is still more to come. The company is still working on implementing other features like the new version of the announcements, maps, sound null security support, new web view plugins, more tool support, and many more. They are also working to improve desktop and web support, especially Linux, where they announced an association with Canonical. So if you find any issues, let’s discuss them. We would like to help you.

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